Customer Feedback

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Request portal enhancements to address failure of system to update user records upon course completion.

Some users claim completion of training and see “course completed, you may click the x to close”, but course status reflects 0% complete and no completion certificate is issued.

There needs to be some kind of safeguard in the system to let users know there was a problem with course completion and/or update of records, instead of letting them believe they’ve finished when in fact the system isn’t able to update the user record.  Perhaps some kind of automated email to the user letting them know there was a problem and asking them to log back in to make sure they completed the course correctly.

Even though I'm told this typically affects only 3-4% of users, resolving them is time-consuming and frustrating for both the user and the administrator (myself). I've seen and dealt with this issue for eight years now, and it's about time a better way of addressing it is implemented.  Please help.

  • Guest
  • Aug 29 2019
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  • Janis Ericson commented
    April 02, 2021 18:39

    We've run into this SO MANY times, particularly for the CA supervisor harassment course, because it has that note in the course but there is a screen after that that must be completed for the course to move to completed.